ExeQserve Supports Workplace Learning and Performance

ExeQserve Supports Workplace Learning and Performance

This concept is sweeping the world of training. In the Philippines, our own Philippine Society for Training and Development is campaigning for turning the Filipino Trainer into a “Workplace Learning and Performance Professional” In the recently concluded PSTD convention, the organization declared this vision of the Filipino WLP professional: “The Filipino Workplace Learning and Performance Read more about ExeQserve Supports Workplace Learning and Performance[...]
Building Strategic Partnership Between HR and Line Managers

Building Strategic Partnership Between HR and Line Managers

By Edwin C. Ebreo It’s true! Everyone in your organization that carries a managerial title has human resource management responsibilities. As a matter of fact, their success as managers is hinged on their ability to carry out these responsibilities. Unfortunately, many managers refuse to own them much less learn how to use the tools available to Read more about Building Strategic Partnership Between HR and Line Managers[...]
Why is Management Team Building an Important Investment?

Why is Management Team Building an Important Investment?

By Edwin Ebreo Let me answer that question directly. It can help you get more return in your other investments When management teams are not encumbered by bad politics, managers are able to unite towards decisions and implementations. Issues about certain decisions are threshed out early and addressed. Each manager communicates the needed changes to his Read more about Why is Management Team Building an Important Investment?[...]
The Relationship Side of Disciplining

The Relationship Side of Disciplining

By Edwin Ebreo When employees violate company policies, it is the supervisor or manager’s job to give the appropriate sanction. If an employee’s offense is minor or not grave enough to cause termination, the penalized employee will continue to be that supervisor’s staff and the supervisor will have to continue relying on that employee’s performance Read more about The Relationship Side of Disciplining[...]


By Jun M. Roy (Jun Roy is one of  ExeQserve’s Senior Training Consultants. He is also the head of training for one of the Philippine’s largest insurance company. He blogs at HR Toolbox. Know more about him by clicking the link above.) Most  likely, you have heard about S.MA.R.T. Goals hundreds, if not thousands of times already. Read more about Making SMART Goals, SMARTER[...]
There is No “I” in Team but There is in “Win”

There is No “I” in Team but There is in “Win”

By Edwin C. Ebreo “There is no I in Team” Michael Jordan was reminded by Chicago Bulls assistant coach Tex Winters after Jordan scored  a straight 20 points. Jordan returned Winter’s comment with “There’s ‘I’ in ‘win.’” Some might find Jordan’s quip as a bit of an arrogance but you know what I think? I think Read more about There is No “I” in Team but There is in “Win”[...]
On Resume Writing: Turn the ZZZZs to Zings

On Resume Writing: Turn the ZZZZs to Zings

By: Gege Sugue If resumes are supposed to put people in the best possible light, then why are many dynamic, driven personalities represented by staid, lifeless resumes? If your cover letters are supposed to highlight the best of who you are, then why do your cover letters seem like they were lifted from generic templates Read more about On Resume Writing: Turn the ZZZZs to Zings[...]
The Benefits of Being Assertive

The Benefits of Being Assertive

By: Edwin Ebreo I always talk about this with my daughters. I encourage them to be assertive in their communications because assertive people posses distinct advantage over those who Are not. I see evidence of it everyday. Assertive people get to go after what they want and because they do, they are most likely to Read more about The Benefits of Being Assertive[...]
Top 10 Service Culture Indicators

Top 10 Service Culture Indicators

by Edwin C. Ebreo How deeply is customer service embedded in your culture? I came up with some kind of a checklist that I wish to share with you today. Does your company policy clearly communicate that customer happiness is a priority? Do your employees understand clearly the implications of rendering good or bad customer service? Read more about Top 10 Service Culture Indicators[...]
The Two Faces of Social Web

The Two Faces of Social Web

By: Sonnie Santos Someone asked to clarify the difference of social web from social networking sites. I explained that social networking sites are part of social web, but the latter is larger because social web includes all web 2.0 applications . These include blogs like wordpress and blogspot, micro blogs like twitter,video sharing sites like youtube, photo sharing sites like flickr. One Read more about The Two Faces of Social Web[...]