Learning does not end in the classroom

ExeQserve Training Process Outsourcing
Do you recognize your employees’ training needs but do not have people in your organization who are qualified enough to handle the task of managing training?
ExeQserve can do it for you, We can serve as your training department. We have the experience and the tools to help you put together a human resource development program that your employees can really benefit from in terms of equipping them with some useful tools for improving their performance. We follow a framework that ensures learning does not end in the classroom. Talk to us about your training needs today so you can find out how we can help you make your training money go a long way.
Stage 1 – Identification of training needs
In order to ensure alignment of all training solutions with the organizational needs, we gather all necessary data to find out what training needs are most crucial and need prioritizing. We conduct an exhausting training needs analysis and report the result to top management for decision making on which of the identified training needs should be prioritized
Stage 2 – Design of training plan and solutions
We devise a training plan that ensures all prioritized training needs are addressed and compliant with what we deem as effective methods of delivering the training. This stage also covers estimation of costs. We submit a report that details the course outlines, schedules and proposed budgets.
Stage 3 – Delivery of training solutions
This stage of the training cycle ensures that the delivery of the training is effective and provides opportunities for the learners to really learn. This will involve choosing the most appropriate format for meeting training needs, and taking advantage of varied and blended learning methods.
Stage 4 – Application of training in the work environment
This stage of the training cycle is concerned with ensuring that all learning outcomes are applied and reinforced in practice within the work environment. This stage will help the managers monitor the progress of the learners and take appropriate actions to reinforce the learning.
Stage 5 – Evaluation of learning solutions
We see to it that our programs go through regular evaluations. The results of the evaluation help us identify areas for improvement and make all the necessary changes.