Spiritual Intelligence as Management Tool?

Spiritual Intelligence as Management Tool?

By: Sonnie Santos In a post about 5 months ago, I briefly discussed about spiritual intelligence. I got several inquiries from students and managers alike since then. So please allow me to re-post an article I wrote years ago. This is also my advocacy, I will release a mini e-book on the subject soon and expect more Read more about Spiritual Intelligence as Management Tool?[...]
A+ for Credibility

A+ for Credibility

By: Gege Sugue The job of your resume and cover letter is to convince your potential employer to shortlist you for an interview.  At the interview, it is your job to convince them that you are the best person among all the candidates.  At both stages, the objective is the same – to persuade.  To Read more about A+ for Credibility[...]
Strategic Training and Development Planning

Strategic Training and Development Planning

By: Edwin Ebreo Most training plans I’ve seen are products of training needs surveys; hence most of them are basically lists of training programs to be run one after another. What is wrong with that picture? Whether or not you identified the right programs to run and identified the best trainer to run it, there Read more about Strategic Training and Development Planning[...]
The Key to Performance Management Success

The Key to Performance Management Success

By: Edwin Ebreo How do you know you have a successful performance management system? That’s when your employees’ performance are improving and you have a definite way of telling. How do you know it isn’t working? If managers are doing as little as possible to achieve minimum compliance, which is probably to submit shabbily filled out Read more about The Key to Performance Management Success[...]
Wield The Power Of Communication

Wield The Power Of Communication

By: Edwin Ebreo Work gets done, problems get solved, customers are happy and goals are achieved.  Such is the power of communication. Without it, the opposite happens; people yield to mediocrity, problems linger, customers misunderstand, hence, they are unhappy. All these block your team from harmoniously working together and achieving organizational goals. There can be Read more about Wield The Power Of Communication[...]
Factors That Affect Teamwork

Factors That Affect Teamwork

By: Edwin Ebreo In all my years as a team building facilitator and participant, I have observed that five factors affect the success or failure of teamwork. They are: • Leadership • Team Dynamics • Communication Skills • Team working environment, process or tools Of all these, leadership is pivotal. As I facilitate teambuilding workshops, Read more about Factors That Affect Teamwork[...]
Shift Your Recruitment Mindset; Get Them While They’re Hot

Shift Your Recruitment Mindset; Get Them While They’re Hot

By: Christine Dapa They say good things come to those who wait. This used to be true even for talent selection and acquisition but not anymore. The rule of the recruitment game has changed. This is due to the ever increasing disparity between needed talents and their availability. There is a tough competition for talent out Read more about Shift Your Recruitment Mindset; Get Them While They’re Hot[...]
Are They Tasks or Performance Managers

Are They Tasks or Performance Managers

What is the Difference? Task managers see to it that employees are busy, that they are doing things exactly as they are told. That they are racking up enough hours of work. The more hours they spend at work, the better employees look in the eyes of their managers. Task managers complain about the lack Read more about Are They Tasks or Performance Managers[...]
The Art of Communicating to your Customers

The Art of Communicating to your Customers

By: Gege Sugue I  just read what could possibly be the most self-centered piece of advertising I’ve read for a long time.  The Grammar Pulis is still on vacation, so there will not be any grammar critiques.  I am responding to this ad as a consumer and a target client.  My knee-jerk reaction to this ad Read more about The Art of Communicating to your Customers[...]
Automating HR Process

Automating HR Process

If HR is to play a strategic business partner role in the organization, it needs to streamline its activities so it can find time to handle the rigors of strategic HR Management and Development. When HR Transforms into a strategic partner, it cannot shed off its transactional activities like pre-employment screening and administration, personnel administration Read more about Automating HR Process[...]